Oli Bichell resides in the Dominican Republic, where she was born and raised. She has a degree in Information Systems Technology from El Instituto Tecnológico de Las Américas (ITLA) and Universidad Nacional Tecnológica (UNNATEC), and is currently completing an International Master’s Degree in Communication and Education at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. She is the Community Manager for the Vicepresidencia of the Dominican Republic. Oli Bichell is a tireless technology advocate and community organizer, involved with more than 15 NGOs. Her mission is to close the digital gap in the Dominican Republic. To achieve this goal, she travels on the weekends to impoverished communities to educate and introduce people of all ages, especially women, to technology. She’s the Founder of several projects and initiatives, including the “Por los Niños del Batey Soco” Project and IndaJoven.

Oli Bichell has lead workshops on various tech/social media topics, including: Social Media Strategy; Government Management and Best Practices on the Web 2.0; and Entrepreneurship & Networking. She was recognized by Dr. Leonel Fernandez (former President of the Dominican Republic) for her involvement with the Software Developers Project (MESCYT).


On Friday, October 3, 2014, hundreds of innovative and socially-minded Latinas met at Google’s Silicon Valley Office for the third stop on the LATINAS THINK BIG™  national tour.

Sponsored by Google and broadcast to virtual viewers via Google+ Hangout On Air, LATINAS THINK BIG™ Innovation Summit featured presentations by six talented Latina innovators: Judy Tomlinson, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Oli Bichell, Mahrinah von Schlegel, Rebeca Yanes, and Zoraida Velasco.