Pamela Campos-Palma is a Boston-native of Honduran roots.  She has served in the U.S. Air Force as an Operations Intelligence Analyst for seven years, currently as a Reservist in continuation of an honorable Active Duty career. As a military member, Pam has volunteered as a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) Assistant for a deployed installation, and volunteered with local communities while in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Presently a full-time student, Pam will be graduating a year early with her B.A in Political Science and Civic Leadership from Portland State University. Pam serves as the Director of a Latina/women’s empowerment organization, Las Mujeres de la Raza and has worked for the Department of Veteran Affairs. An alumna of the highly selective National Hispana Leadership Institute (NHLI) in Washington D.C, as well as National Education of Women (NEW) Leadership Oregon, Pam is a tenacious, natural leader and advocate and has lobbied in D.C. and Oregon, on behalf of marginalized communities. She is currently in an internship working for U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and most recently was nominated by the Governor of Oregon as the first and only student voting member on the Board of Trustees for Portland State University.


On Friday, October 11, 2013, hundreds of innovative and socially-minded Latinas met at Google’s Los Angeles Office for the second stop on the LATINAS THINK BIG™  national tour.

Sponsored by Google and broadcast to virtual viewers via Google+ Hangout On Air, LATINAS THINK BIG™ LA featured presentations by five talented Latina innovators–Noramay Cadena, Estefania Ortiz, Veronica Villafañe, Pamela Campos Palma, and Rocio Romero–and honored three innovative Latino professionals–Monica Gil, Eliana Murillo, and Martin Mares–for the outstanding leadership and commitment they have contributed to the Latino community.